Supporting Stauros

Thanks to some generous match funding from local trusts, ALL your donations towards our Building Project (including those already given) will be doubled through the above Joy of Generosity 100% Match Imitative.
As most of you are aware we have started our renovation project here at Straidhavern Road and we have been so blessed by your goodness to us in our ministry as you continue with us on this journey. We believe the completion of the renovations will enhance the ministry of Stauros, but more importantly we believe the completion of the annex will enhance God’s kingdom.
If you haven’t so far, but would like to be a part of this amazing 100% match fund then please see the various ways you can make a donation.
Our Bank Details are: Allied Irish Bank Sort code: 93 81 65, A/C No: 04815066
For more information, contact gillian@stauros.com
One of the most practical steps you can take is to commit to a lifestyle that is alcohol and drug free. There is no compulsion to be a total abstainer, but it is a practical step people sometimes take in order to set a good example for “the weaker brother”.
Stauros is a faith-based agency that is supported financially by individuals and trusts who share our belief in the Christian message, and our burden for those touched by addiction. We do not receive government funding for any aspect of our work, and are totally reliant on the generosity of God’s people. Below there is further information about giving to Stauros.
Perhaps the most effective way you can help us is to pray for us. This booklet is designed to help you pray effectively for people and the problems they face. It is designed to inform your prayers with details to inspire depth and substance.
Financial Information
Stauros is grateful to the Lord for all His provision over the years. We have been truly blessed. In the past we have benefited from people’s generosity in four ways:
Sometimes individuals feel prompted to send a donation to the work. Cheques or postal orders are made payable to: Stauros Foundation. Please put the full name on the cheque or postal order as the bank will not accept Stauros on it’s own. These can sent to us by post.
Standing order
Sometimes individuals wish to give regularly to the work, either monthly, or annually. There is a standing order form here for this purpose. Please fill in and send back to us by post.
Direct Bank Transfer
Sometimes individuals wish to give regularly to the work via a direct bank transfer. Our bank account details are below. Just remember to let us know when you make the donation, including the amount and under what name and reference, so we can identify your donation on our bank statement. You can also use this information to create a regular standing order from your bank if you wish.
Stauros Foundation – Sort code: 93-81-65 – Account number: 04815066
Gift aid
Sometimes people who pay tax fill in a gift aid form found here, which allows Stauros to benefit from the tax paid on the amount received either as a donation or a standing order. For example, a gift of £100 with gift aid means Stauros would receive £125. Please fill in and send back to us by post.
Credit/debit card
Please follow this link to give by credit/debit card. This will by processed Stewardship UK.